
Buy and sell used clothes and things in Charlotte, second-hand stores in Charlotte

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Here you will find a list of shops second-hand city Charlotte with addresses and phone numbers

Second hand store opened in Charlotte, North Carolina

A new second hand store has opened in Charlotte, North Carolina. The store is called "2-Hour Store". The store is said to be fun and the service seems to be as well. The store has a lot of fun stuff like used items, second hand prices and second hand items. The service is said to be good and the store is said to be well thought out.

Thrift Stores in Charlotte, NC

Something is wrong with Charlotte, North Carolina. It seems like every few years there is some new town or town that seems to be in need of a fresh start. And quite often it's a town or city that looks like it's going through a change - it's bright and new, but it's not always what you'd expect. Partly because of this, North Carolina is known for its Thrift stores - small independent stores that are often small enough to feel like they're making a difference. And of course, they are often asked to store what many consider "grocery store quality", but they are also known for their unique atmosphere and the services they provide to their customers. So, if you're looking for a change of scenery in the midst of all this Trump worries, or just want to see some "humble people," look no further than Charlotte.

Charlotte has the best stores to buy auto parts

Advanced Auto Parts, an auto repair and maintenance company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, rates its auto parts as very high quality. They can help buyers choose the right part for their car, or they can offer it from several options at prices ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 apiece, including the cost of parts from other brands - for example, Lamborghini Silverado 3021; Lexus RX-52025 Gallery Charlotte Boulevard 28270